(Xander is 12 months)
We started off the week working with our ring stacker. This was the first time he was able to get the rings on the pole. He was not actually doing them in size order but he got pretty good at putting them on and off the pole.
He was having fun stacking the rings until he noticed McCoy, then he decided it was much more fun to throw the rings down to him.

McCoy asks, "what did I do to deserve this?"
Later in the week we worked on clearing off shelves...
feeding ourselves oatmeal...
and we finished off the week with some more crayon play.
We also had lots of reading time, knocking down towers that Mommy built, a great 1 year well baby checkup, and two horrible blood draws (1 to check how his iron levels are doing-- no longer anemic but still low on iron stores and needs to stay on the supplement, the 2nd was to make sure his yellow tint is just due to love of veggies and not jaundice-- it's veggie love).
Oh, and he has started standing on his own for longer times but only when he's distracted. He loses it as soon as he notices he's not holding on to anything. He has also started climbing, or trying to climb on things. I'm not too happy about that since he doesn't seem to to have any fear of falling off things and I know that is an accident waiting to happen once he can climb onto the couch.
Be sure to visit Tot School to see what other families are doing this week.