Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tot School Post #14

Tot School
(Xander is 15 months)

This week we were going to be doing B is for ... but I am going to end up spreading out B over two weeks. It wasn't a good week for us. We started off with B is for belly ache and baby and ended the week with B is for bleeding (hope this isn't TMI). Xander had a upset tummy and I was nauseated at the start of the week which meant we didn't do much Tot School. By the end of the week Xander was feeling better but I had started cramping and was feeling down because I was sure I was going to miscarry again (I miscarried at 6 weeks last December). We ended up spending most of Saturday in the hospital, not because my miscarriage was life threatening, but I needed a Rhogam shot (I'm Rh-) and of course the OB's office is closed on the weekend. For some reason I thought we could just go to the emergency room and get the shot but of course they don't work that way, they want to run all sorts of tests which took hours and that only could tell us that yes, I had miscarried. It was a very long day!

Xander finding fun (and things to get in to) in the hospital.

Anyway, we started off the week with tantrums. We finally got compost for our garden bed, so Ryan mixed it in and started planting seeds. First he had to put up a fence to keep the dogs out of the bed. Why the tantrums? Our garden bed was Xander's digging hole and mud wallow, he was NOT HAPPY when the fence went up!

We got out the Playdoh again, all Xander wanted to do was put it into the tub and take it out again, over and over.

I was inspired by the butterflies I saw on Hart 2 Hart, but instead of making large butterflies I made small ones to use on Thank You cards for the grandparents. Xander scribbled on the paper and then I did the cutting of the ovals and gluing them onto a card. Then I mailed the cards and kicked myself later in the day when I realized I hadn't taken any photos of the finished cards!!! Here is Xander drawing on the paper (it's some Origami paper I had, I thought it made pretty butterfly wings).

We also did a coloring page for Earth Day! This was Xander's first time with a printout like this.

B is for Blue Balloon! I had put a "blue balloon" on the shopping list last week. Xander was so happy to get it. He just loves balloons!

I've been trying to do some color sorting with Xander. He doesn't know his colors at all. Right now I am just focusing on two, red and blue. I'm taking pieces of felt and putting them on the floor and gathering different red and blue toys and putting them on the matching felt piece. I'm trying to get Xander to help me find the correct color toys but for now this is all me, I'm hoping he'll catch on. Here Xander is sitting by his blue toys, he's all in blue too which was NOT planned. I'm pretty sure that was his 4th outfit of the day (I told you he had an upset tummy this week! Ick! Lol, this picture shows that I was trying to bulk up his diapers to catch everything, poor little guy.)

"This toy looks tasty."

"I am so done with this activity!"

Xander got some Earth Day gifts from his paternal Grandparents. He had fun opening the package.

He really liked all his gifts but what he liked most was the piece of yarn. It was so cute. He played with it all afternoon.

My favorite photo of the week. We stopped to grab a bite to eat at McDonald's. Xander has been trying more solid foods so I went ahead and got him a Happy Meal, thinking he might eat the chicken nuggets. Wouldn't even taste them (made the dogs very happy!) but he LOVES the toy he got. It is a little cell phone. We've had lots of phone calls this week. Here he is calling Daddy to tell him that he ate a peanut butter and honey sandwich!

That was our week. We'll Be Back with more B activities next week, thanks for stopping by. Please check out what other tots are doing by visiting Tot School.
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